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Three Figures Game

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To be continued :
3FG around the world...
The 3 figures, it's a great moment!
Hugo, 10 years old


The game of three figures at Pierre Alviset college

Psychosocial skills for everyone at school, seminar organized by the education-health-citizenship committee on Thursday October 1, 2015 at the Boulle school (Paris 12°).

The game of three figures at Pierre Alviset college. Maxime Peaudeau, PE teacher at Pierre Alviset college (Paris 5°) presents the experimentation which took place around the game of three figures proposed by Serge Tisseron: training, implementation and assessment are discussed as well as future projects.

Télé-matin television program

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the Game of 3 figures to college

the Game of 3 figures, CANOPÉ network of the Reims academy

online video on the CRDP website in Reims


the Game of 3 figures, CANOPÉ network of the Reims academy

online video on the CRDP website in Reims


Serge Tisseron – Game of Three Figures at school


Morning TV – Sciences: The game of three figures


univ-lemans – The empathy ship and the game of three figures

Link of the Umotion video – Video presentation of the 3 figures game – Three Figures Game: A tool to meet the objectives of kindergarteners – S.Tisseron – The Three Figures Game: A project for 3rd graders – The Game of Three Figures: The role of the teacher


BACH JF, HOUDE O., LENA P., TISSERON S. (2013) The child and the screens, an opinion of the Academy of Sciences, Le Pommier

BURLANDO B. (2018), Adapting the Three Figures Game to visually impaired children, Parents School, April-May-June 2018.

DELION, P. (2019). Prevention of violence among children: the actions undertaken and their continuation. In: , P. Delion, Violence and childhood: An experience of citizen prevention in Lille (pp. 25-42). Toulouse, France: Eres.

DUBREU-BECLIN, A. (2018). "The construction of the capacity for empathy as a means of fighting against violence (contributions of neurosciences, developmental psychology and psychoanalysis) Experimental application of the game of the three figures in a medico-psychological center for children". Doctoral thesis defended on October 15, 2018. Thesis supervisor: Serge Tisseron.

DUBREU-BECLIN A. (2018). Exposure to screens and psychic growth, Psychiatric Evolution, 83(3), 399-414, 

KARRAY A., VASILE J., BAGNULO A., GRILLO M. (2020) Interpersonal violence and empathy. Prevention through research-action in schools, Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry, Flight. 68, Issue 1, p. 39-45,

TISSERON Serge, “Empathy”, coll. What do I know (PUF, 2024)

TISSERON, S. (2016). Levers to develop empathy and prevent radical abuses. The school of parents, N619, 125-143.

TISSERON S., CLEMENT MN., JONCOUR A. (2015), Developing the capacity for empathy in children with autism spectrum disorders with the Three Figures Game, Notebooks of PREAUT, 12, 2015, Eres, p. 55-93,

TISSERON, S. (2015). Chapter 10. Empathy, at the heart of social gaming. In: Michel Botbol ed., Empathy: At the crossroads of science and the clinic (pp. 193-202). Doin.″

TISSERON, S. (2012). The game of three figures: Develop empathy from nursery school to prevent exclusive identification with the figures of aggressor or victim. In: Collective no 0 behavior for 3 year old children ed., Preventive prevention in action (pp. 82-86). Toulouse, France: Érès.″

TISSERON, S. (2011). An alternative to early detection: the Three Figures Game in nursery schools. In: The Collective no 0 of conduct ed., Children in the square? Prevention that goes wrong: Prevention and education rather than prediction and conditioning (pp. 39-57). Toulouse, France: Érès.″

TISSERON, S. (2011). Young people and screens. In: Véronique Bedin ed., Violence(s) and society today (pp. 96-110). Auxerre, France: Éditions Sciences Humaines.″

TISSERON S. (2010) Prevention of violence through the “Three Figures Game”, Become, Volume 22, Number 1, 2010, p. 73-93.

TISSERON, S. (2010). Learn to play to develop empathy. Spiral, 56, 47-56.

TISSERON S. (2010) Empathy, at the heart of the social game, Paris: Albin Michel.

TISSERON, S. (2009). The imbalance of images and the play of the three figures. Spiral, 52, 95-102.

TISSERON, S. (2009). Growing up in the time of the virtual revolution [1]. In: Joyce Aïn ed., Identities (pp. 211-223). Toulouse, France: Érès.″




Show “Great good to you!” on France Inter on Tuesday March 19, 2024 with Serge Tisseron: Can we really learn empathy?