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Three Figures Game


To be continued :
To know more
I really like when you invent a story.
Balthazar, 10 years old
Become a J3F animator
Become a J3F trainer
Consolidation of practices
DEPJ3F training 2024-2025

Become a J3F animator

Votre enthousiasme me touche, mais trois, ce n'est pas assez nombreux pour jouer eu J3F

Your enthusiasm touches me, but three is not enough to play J3F

Who can animate the Game of Three Figures?

Only people who can benefit from the facilitator diploma issued by the DEPJ3F Association at the end of their training can practice this activity.

Who is the J3F facilitator training for?

All teachers can become facilitators of the J3F with students, from the middle section of kindergarten to the sixth form of secondary school inclusive, but also school directors, school psychologists, guidance counselors, CPE, school nurses and doctors, social workers, etc.

The training takes place within the framework of national education training plans. It is ideally done over three days (of six hours each) spread over the year (usually October, February and June) to which is added a day the following year to check that the protocol is applied correctly, and to allow feedback. of experience.

During the year of their training, teachers must animate a group of J3F, ideally by half class so that the number of children is less important (about fifteen pupils). It is therefore advisable for teachers who undertake the training to think ahead of the possibilities of organization in order to be able to divide their class into two each week (allow 45 minutes for each group). This assumes that colleagues are associated with the project: the J3F is much easier to implement when it is an establishment project encouraged and supported by the hierarchy and by the entire team. In kindergarten, the little ones' naptime facilitates such arrangements.

Do you belong to another socio-professional category?

Contact us ! All special cases can be considered. The Game of Three Figures has been developed in particular in many institutions for children in the health and medico-social sector. But without forgetting that this device is aimed at children who share a common time of life over the whole of a year. Group dynamics play an essential role here. This is why it concerns schools and day hospitals welcoming children for long periods. On the other hand, it is unsuitable for extra-curricular activities in which children from different classes share an activity over a term. Not to mention the risk, if the 3FG were offered in this context, of being reserved for children "presenting difficulties" (a euphemism to designate pupils perceived as violent), whereas its objective is precisely to be just as concerned about children who tend to allow themselves to be victimized, without ever stigmatizing anyone.

All training provided by DEPJ3F is sanctioned by a diploma.

Download HERE the complete description of the training

Where to train to animate the Game of Three Figures?

With us, in Paris or Aix-en-Provence

The DEPJ3F association provides a training session in Paris and one in Aix-en-Provence each year. DEPJ3F is a Qualiopi certified training organization (11755607875), having received national approval in 2018 delivered by the Minister of National Education as an educational association complementary to public education.

By consulting the PAF of your Academy

The J3F training may be listed there, or you can contact your IEN to request it.

Would you like on-site training?

Contact us ! On the scale of a school, an Academy, a health or medico-social institution welcoming children: all on-site training can be considered. The ideal is to anticipate your request in the spring to be able to start at the next school year. We will establish a quote and propose the terms best suited to your context. It is advisable to bring together a group of at least 10 trainees in order to create a real group dynamic.


Become a J3F trainer

You have the status of trainer for National Education : you can form groups

This is particularly the case for National Education psychologists, district educational advisors and nurses.

The training offered to you aims to enable you to ultimately become a teacher trainer. It takes place in two stages, over two years:

 - the first year, you must first register for the Jeu des Trois Figures facilitator training. This first year allows you to learn and experience the practice of the Three Figures Game, because to train, it is essential to have practiced it yourself. During your initial training year, you must lead the J3F in half a class and therefore organize yourself so that it is possible in your schedule. All the information for this first year of training is available under the Training tab.

 – the second year, once you have obtained your facilitator diploma, and subject to a favorable opinion from your first year trainers, your course can continue with a second year of training, according to the same conditions (3 days in the school year) , during which we support you in starting your activity as a trainer in the Game of Three Figures. For this second year of training, future trainers will have to take charge of a group of teachers to train them in running the Three Figures Game.

Download HERE the complete description of the training

To register and become a group trainer: contact us via the site.


For specialist RASED teachers : as part of your missions, you have the opportunity to train a teacher “one for one”.

Some Academies also allow them to train a group of teachers within the resource center. To do this, you must contact their IEN to find out their position in this regard.

To train in “one for one”, you must also do training in two stages, but the second year takes place according to different methods.

DATES: 3 video conferences spread over the year – Saturday September 14, 2024, Saturday February 1, 2025 and Saturday May 24, 2025

PRICE: €50 individually (you finance your training yourself) / €300 for continuing training (your employer finances your training) / CPF contact us

Download HERE the description of the training " one for one "

The registration form for the “one for one” training can be downloaded below, to be completed and sent exclusively by email to the address

Registration form (docx)
Registration form (PDF)


You are a clinical psychologist or other socio-professional category, and you wish to become a trainer

Contact us. Each specific situation will be considered.



DEPJ3F “Small Laboratories of Empathy” is a training organization (11755607875) certified Qualiopi for training activities, having received national approval in 2018 delivered by the Minister of National Education as a complementary educational association of the public education.

Any training provided by DEPJ3F is sanctioned by a certificate.

ATTENTION : Only people who can benefit from the trainer certificate issued by the DEPJ3F Association at the end of their training can train in their turn.

Consolidation of practices

You hold the J3F facilitator or trainer diploma and you wish to deepen your practice, update it, share it with trainers from the association and with other professionals. You can sign up for the refresher sessions that we offer in Paris.

NEXT DAY: Contact us via the site to let us know your interest, a day is scheduled as soon as a small group can be formed. The days are held in Paris, on Saturday.

TIME: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

LOCATION: CEREP-PHYMENTIN Children's Day Hospital – Center André Boulloche – 56 rue du Faubourg Poissonnière – 75010 PARIS Metro: Poissonnière (line 7) or Bonne Nouvelle (lines 8 and 9) or Château d'eau (line 4) – Since Gare du Nord and Gare de l’Est: 10 minutes on foot

FACILITATORS: Trainers from the DEPJ3F association (see Who are we?)

PRICE: €40 individually (you finance the upgrading yourself) / €140 for continuing professional training

REGISTRATION FORM: downloadable below, to be completed and returned exclusively by email to

WELCOME PUBLIC PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES: contact Olivier Duris, disability representative of the association, via the site contact form.

Consolidation registration form (PDF)

Consolidation registration form (docx)

DEPJ3F training 2024-2025

Training is offered each year by DEPJ3F in Paris and Aix-en-Provence.

It concerns teachers who wish to lead the Three Figures Game in their classes, but also district educational advisors, school nurses, specialized RASED teachers, EN psychologists who wish to lead and/or provide training and monitoring. kindergarten and elementary school teachers for this activity.

This training is also accessible to healthcare and education professionals who work in health or medico-social institutions.

On the other hand, professionals working in extracurricular activities cannot have access to it because the Three Figures Game is practiced over at least one school year with the same group of children.

Participants benefit from theoretical training on the place of empathy in the regulation of conflicts, and an analysis of practices on the implementation of J3F in a class, with an alternation of theoretical presentations, implementations situation, exchange between participants, and analysis of situations. Immediately after the first day of training, the trainees start running the J3F in their classes: it is action training. We then set up an exchange platform on the internet, on which everyone will be able to post their questions, thoughts, feedback, difficulties and satisfaction. The trainers are constantly present with the trainees in this way, and they are never left alone with their difficulties. But it is also a real peer support group which is taking shape little by little, allowing professionals to have a constructive collaborative experience which can then inspire their teaching practices.

All those in training undertake to practice the Three Figures Game themselves in half a class (or better, in two half classes) throughout the school year, every week. The animation conditions for this year of training are specified in the downloadable document below “Facilitation conditions”.

Participation in all three days is essential. A diploma will be issued at the end of the training, which alone authorizes the animation of the Three Figures Game. The criteria for awarding this diploma are specified in the document below “Evaluation criteria”.



DATES: Saturday October 5, 2024, Saturday February 1, 2025 and Saturday May 24, 2025

TIMES: 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 2 p.m.-5 p.m.

LOCATION: CEREP-PHYMENTIN Children's Day Hospital – Center André Boulloche – 56 rue du Faubourg Poissonnière – 75010 PARIS Metro: Poissonnière (line 7) or Bonne Nouvelle (lines 8 and 9) or Château d'eau (line 4) – Since Gare du Nord and Gare de l’Est: 10 minutes on foot

TRAINER: Marie-Noëlle Clément

PRICE: €255 individually (you finance your training yourself) / €990 for continuing training (your employer finances your training) / CPF contact us

REGISTRATION FORM: downloadable below, to be completed and returned exclusively by email to the address

DO YOU WANT TO FOLLOW TRAINING TO BECOME A J3F TRAINER? If you have already validated your Three Figures Game facilitator training, contact us to check your eligibility. We will then send you the appropriate registration documents.

WELCOME PUBLIC PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES: contact Olivier Duris, disability representative of the association, via the site contact form.

Registration form (docx)
Registration form (PDF)

Evaluation criteria
Animation conditions

Description of the training (PDF)




DEPJ3F is a training organization (11755607875) certified Qualiopi, under the TRAINING ACTIONS category, having received national approval in 2018 delivered by the Minister of National Education as an educational association complementary to public education.

Consult HERE feedback from 2022-2023 interns to our satisfaction questionnaires.