“Play is the school where we learn to be empathetic to our fellow human beings.”
Jeremy Rifkin, A New Consciousness for a World in Crisis, Towards a Civilization of Empathy, Paris: Les Liens qui Libèrent, 2011 (page 92).
The Three Figures Game (J3F) created in 2006 for nursery school children, now exists according to different protocols in elementary schools, middle schools and high schools. In the latter case, it is called the Three Figures Workshop (A3F). Its characteristic is to develop empathy not in students or for students, but by students, through collaborative activities centered on the creation of a theater sketch played by volunteer children and discussed by everyone at each stage.
It contributes to a calm school climate, fights against harassment and promotes an innovative approach to the transmission of knowledge.
Our means
- Develop empathetic and psycho-social skills
- Promote a class dynamic based on curiosity and mutual respect
- Familiarize students with changes in roles and perspective
- Learn to say no
A validated activity
- the J3F was created in 2006 by Serge Tisseron and it was developed in numerous academies by the association “Developing empathy through J3F” which benefits from national education approval.
- It is one of three schemes (along with the Danish program Fri for Mobberi and the Philosophy workshops) recommended by the Ministry of EN in the fight against harassment and for the development of a peaceful school climate.
- This is a theatrical game centered on the 3 figures of the aggressor, the victim and the third party, who can be a simple witness, righter of wrongs or rescuer, led every week by teachers after initial training of a year.
- It concerns children from middle school to high school. The protocol is different depending on the cycle concerned.
The PLUSES of the Three Figures Game
For students, a shared experience
- Allows children to acquire a critical distance from the images they see by appropriating and transforming them.
- Allows work on emotions: recognizing them, naming them, expressing them.
- Supports the development of empathic skills.
- Promotes academic learning by encouraging narrative construction and developing vocabulary and executive skills.
For teachers, a new educational paradigm centered on a caring and non-judgmental framework
- Teaches teachers to look at their students differently and supports the development of their empathetic skills.
- Allows them to learn to manage their class differently (project teaching, flipped classroom, tutoring between students, etc.).
For establishments
- A lever for prevention against situations of school violence.
- Training is provided by the association Develop empathy through the Three Figures Game(DEPJ3F) which benefits from an approval issued by the Minister of National Education as an educational association complementary to public education, and which is recognized as being of general interest.
- The J3F is not just for teachers. Other National Education professionals can also train there, as well as professionals from the health and medico-social fields working in children's institutions.
- Only people who can claim a diploma issued by the DEPJ3F Association at the end of their training can practice this activity.
Have you been trained and certified as a Three Figures Game facilitator or trainer?
We are evaluating the deployment of this system in France, in order to better understand the impact of our training and to support you as closely as possible. Please complete the following questionnaire: it will only take you 2 or 3 minutes.
You have been trained but you have not received your diploma?
Contact us! We will consider your situation together to support you in continuing or resuming your practice.
Because the Three Figures Game evolves regularly, because you have questions or need an update of your knowledge, the DEPJ3F Association offers continuing education sessions in Paris (information under the Training/Continuing Education tab).